Stone Façades and Curtain Walls
1095 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY
The 41-story 1095 Avenue of the Americas building has a storied history as the headquarters of various telecommunications firms. Previously occupied by New York Telephone and Bell Atlantic, the building served as the Verizon headquarters until 2005. Designed by Kahn & Jacobs in 1972, the building featured a white marble and black glass façade. The building, located at 42nd Street and Avenue of the Americas, occupies a highly-trafficked New York street, making repair and restoration work difficult.
Construction managers Tishman Construction Corporation called in Seaboard Weatherproofing & Restoration to perform a major façade restoration of the building, which included replacing 100 percent of the sealants, and repairing and replacing marble panels. Seaboard worked closely with architects and consultants to resolve technical challenges, especially the fastening and securing of fragile marble panels ‘to the wall.’ Seaboard also performed a 100 percent inspection/sounding of the panel condition, resulting in the replacement of additional damaged marble panels.
Rehabilitation work on the building began in early spring and had to be completed before the onset of winter weather. Seaboard assembled a team of 35 highly-qualified waterproofing mechanics to complete the work quickly and correctly while minimizing disruption to the business. Certain operations, including façade cleaning and painting of louvers, were performed at night and on overtime to ensure the project was completed on schedule and to minimize the impact on the general public. Seaboard’s efficient restoration work on the façade helped to bring the project in three months ahead of schedule.

Facade Restoration from Suspended Scaffolds above the streets of NYC.

Verizon Headquarters
Start Date: April 2004
Project Finished: November 2004
Project Highlights:
Worked with architects and consultants to resolve technical challenges regarding the fastening of marble panels. Recommendation of a fastener system that was well suited to the project.
Solid planning allowed the project to be completed three months ahead of schedule.
Project Team:
Construction Manager, Tishman Construction Corporation
Project Architects, Hoffmann Architects, Inc.
Façade Restoration Contractor, Seaboard Weatherproofing & Restoration